Show Promotion Web site

Any web site used to promote attendance at a show. Judging criteria includes:

  • Overall presentation, visual appeal and creativity.
  • Organization of the information presented and ease of navigation/user-friendliness.
  • Clarity of pertinent information, value of information presented and content usefulness.
  • Performance metrics such as average monthly visits, Google analytics, etc.
  • How the website contributed to the overall success of the exhibition and/or event.

The submission form for this category will request the following information:

Show Promotion Website Goals and Objectives
Provide an overview of the goals and objectives the website was intended to meet/fulfill and how these were to be measured.

Show Promotion Website Innovative Features
Describe, if any, new and innovative features used in the website that made it stand out above others.

Show Promotion Website Performance
Provide in-depth detail as to how the website met its goals and objectives. This information may be provided in narrative format using the text box below or a file (such as a case study format) may be uploaded in the following question.

Show Promotion Website Performance Upload
Upload supporting documentation regarding the initiative's performance here. Maximum file size for this upload is 10MB.

Additional Upload
Upload any additional documentation here. Maximum file size for this upload is 10MB.

Show Promotion Website URL
Enter the website's URL here.

Final Note
Is there anything else you would like us to know about the entry? Use the space below to enter additional details not addressed by the other questions and/or that you would like the judges to consider.